The Virgin's Rock
Esplanade du Rocher-de-la-Vierge, 64200 Biarritz Trasy
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Praktyczne informacje


It was Napoleon III's idea to hollow out this rock, surrounded by reef, and connect it to the cliff by means of a wooden bridge. Today, it is linked to the coast by a metal footbridge built in Eiffel's workshops. It is inaccessible in rough weather as big waves cover the road surface. Crowned by a statue of the Virgin Mary, the rock has become the symbol of Biarritz.


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  • Od 211 €
    Promo Easy Clés- Loft Port Vieux beach Parking
    Fantastyczny 8.8
    149 m - 17 rue du port vieux, 64200 Biarritz
  • Od 65 €
    Znakomity 9.2
    154 m - 21 perspective de la cote des basques, 64200 Biarritz
  • Od 52 €
    Hôtel Les Alizés
    Dobry 7
    166 m - 13 rue du Port Vieux, 64200 Biarritz

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