Aquarium de Biarritz
Esplanade du Rocher-de-la-Vierge, 64200 Biarritz Trasy
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Partly occupying an Art Deco building, this large and particularly impressive aquarium offers a diversified approach to the marine biotope and the special links that Biarritz has with the ocean. It features around twenty tanks home to the fauna found in the Bay of Biscay. Enhanced by a presentation on whale hunting, the Cetacean gallery exhibits skeletons of animals that have been washed up on shore. Visitors can also view seals, sharks (the highlight of the visit), the touch tank, and an exhibit that follows the Gulf Stream.


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Gdzie w okolicyprzenocować

  • Od 211 €
    Promo Easy Clés- Loft Port Vieux beach Parking
    Fantastyczny 8.8
    208 m - 17 rue du port vieux, 64200 Biarritz
  • Od 52 €
    Hôtel Les Alizés
    Dobry 7
    219 m - 13 rue du Port Vieux, 64200 Biarritz
  • Od 65 €
    Znakomity 9.2
    222 m - 21 perspective de la cote des basques, 64200 Biarritz

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