Poprzednio przeglądane atrakcje turystyczne

Bowhill House and Country Estate
B 7039, Selkirk TD7 5ET Trasy
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Praktyczne informacje


On high ground between Yarrow and Ettrick, Bowhill was the border home of the Scotts of Buccleuch. The property was once part of Ettrick forest, which Robert Bruce gave to the Douglas family in 1322. Then, in 1450, the forest came back to the Crown for a century or so, before finally becoming the property of the Scott family, which had become the Montagu Douglas Scott further to several marriages. It houses many treasures, including some exceptional paintings.


  • Trasa od tego miejsca
  • Trasa do tego miejsca
  • Trasa przez to miejsce
  • Hotele w pobliżu
  • Restauracje w pobliżu


Co robić i zobaczyćw okolicy

Gdzie w okolicyprzenocować

  • Od 75 GBP
    The Glen Guesthouse
    Fantastyczny 8.7
    3.78 km - Yarrow Terrace, Selkirk TD7 5AS
  • Od 136 GBP
    The Five Turrets
    Wyjatkowy 9.9
    4.47 km - The Five Turrets Ettrick Terrace, Selkirk TD7 4LE
  • Od 46 GBP
    "The County"
    Dobry 7.8
    4.5 km - 3-5 High Street, Market Square, Selkirk TD7 4BZ

Gdzie zjeśćw okolicy

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