The Royal Chantry, Chichester PO19 1PX Trasy
Zielony przewodnik

Praktyczne informacje


Built between 1091 and 1184), the cathedral bears the hallmarks of several architectural periods. The nave is Norman, the porches, back-choir and tall windows are Early English Gothic; the tower, side chapels and Lady Chapel are in Decorated Gothic style; while the cloister, bell tower and splendid spire (rebuilt in 1861) are Perpendicular Gothic.


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Gdzie w okolicyprzenocować

  • Od 60 GBP
    Chichester Inn
    Bardzo dobry 8.2
    100 m - 38 West Street, Chichester PO19 1RP
  • Od 80 GBP
    4 Canon Lane
    Fantastyczny 8.9
    173 m - 4 Canon Lane, Chichester PO19 1PX
  • Od 76 GBP
    Purchases Restaurant & Accommodation
    Znakomity 9
    252 m - 31 North Street Chichester, Chichester PO19 1EH

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