Beaulieu Abbey
Beaulieu SO42 7YG Trasy
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Praktyczne informacje


After the dissolution of the monasteries ordered by Henry VIII, this abbey fell into ruin and its stone was re-used to build forts along the coast. Only the foundations now remain of what was once the largest Cistercian abbey in England. The cloister has partly survived, notably the wing which houses an exhibition on monastic life and the 13C refectory which has been converted into the parish church.


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  • Restauracje w pobliżu


Co robić i zobaczyćw okolicy

Gdzie w okolicyprzenocować

  • Od 156 GBP
    The Montagu Arms
    Fantastyczny 8.8
    345 m - Palace Lane, Beaulieu, Beaulieu SO42 7ZL
  • Od 200 GBP
    Thatch Cottage, East Boldre nr Beaulieu and Lymington
    Znakomity 9.3
    2.37 km - Chapel Lane, Brockenhurst SO42 7WP
  • Od 120 GBP
    Wayside Cottage
    Znakomity 9.4
    2.38 km - Wayside Cottage Wallace Lane, East Boldre, Beaulieu SO42 7WL

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