Rue du Bourg
rue du Bourg, 55000 Bar-le-Duc Trasy
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Praktyczne informacje


In the 16C, Rue du Bourg was one of the most elegant of Bar-le-Duc, which is echoed by the rich façades at nos 42, 46, 49 and 51. At no 26, the façade of the Maison des Deux-Barbeaux (1618) sports the busts of ladies and mermaids. On the corner of Rue Maginot stands a strange monument, reminiscent of Brussels' Mannekenpis, representing a child with a bicycle; it is a tribute to two local men, Pierre and Ernest Michaux, who invented the velocipede in 1861.


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Co robić i zobaczyćw okolicy

Gdzie w okolicyprzenocować

  • Od 58 €
    Appartement Les Berges de l'Ornain
    Fantastyczny 8.7
    353 m - 5,place Lemagny, 55000 Bar-le-Duc
  • Od 49 €
    Les Ponts de l'Ornain
    Fantastyczny 8.8
    356 m - 5 Place Paul Lemagny, 55000 Bar-le-Duc
  • Od 85 €
    Maison d'hôtes La Villa des Ducs Bar-le-Duc
    Wyjatkowy 9.6
    454 m - 61 Boulevard Raymond Poincaré, 55000 Bar-le-Duc

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